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研究 税收的时间

How Families Manage Tax Refunds and Payments

每年春天,当美国家庭将上一年的已缴税款与欠缴税款进行比对时,他们的金融账户就会有超过5000亿美元的资金流入和流出. Most of these flows–representing 2.传统的报税季节从2月中旬到5月中旬,在这12个星期里,全年gdp总额的5%会冲击到家庭的财务账户. In previous 12bet官方 研究所 research, 我们报道说,在收到退税的一周内,医疗保健服务的自付支出增加了60%,并在75天内保持高水平. This report builds on that research, 更全面地调查家庭如何管理退税带来的正现金流和纳税带来的负现金流. 我们分析了100万个收到退税或缴纳税款的家庭的日常资金流动和余额, 并发现税收调节对一些人的支出和储蓄模式有显著而持久的影响, 但不是所有的.

Our findings underscore that fact that, 不管是有意还是无意, the tax system is a primary tool by which many families generate lump sums of cash. They raise questions about roles that families, financial service providers, and policy makers might play in creating cheaper and more flexible tools for this purpose.

找到一个: Four-fifths of our sample received one or more refunds and made no payments. 与纳税的人相比,接受退税的人往往平均收入较低,现金缓冲也较少.

The vast majority of families in our base sample are "tax refund" families; they received one or more tax refunds and made no tax payments in a year. "Tax payment families" represent a small minority. 在这项研究中,我们关注的是那些在一天内付清所有还款的家庭. 纳税家庭比退税家庭有更高的实得收入和更多的现金缓冲.

发现二: 退税金额几乎相当于领取退税的普通家庭6周的实得收入. For families making a tax payment, the average payment is equivalent to 2.5周的收入.

Tax refund families receive an average of 5.7 weeks' income in their tax refund, whereas 纳税家庭 pay out an average of 2.5周的收入. 这不仅是因为平均退税幅度大于平均纳税幅度, but also because families who make a tax payment tend to have higher take-home incomes. Within each group, a majority of families experience much smaller than average impacts.

发现三: 在退税对象中,退税一到,平均支出就急剧增加. Six months after the refund, families still have an average of 28 percent of their tax refund remaining.

One week after receiving their first tax refund of the year, 每个家庭平均有74%的钱存在支票账户或转入储蓄账户. Six months later, they still have 28 percent of their tax refund remaining.

发现四: 支出 on durable goods, 信用卡付款, and 现金提款 increase most sharply upon receipt of a tax refund.

在收到退款后的一周内,非大通信用卡的平均付款比退款前一周的平均水平高出86%. 平均 expenditures on durable goods double in the week after refund receipt, to $50 compared to $25 during a typical week. Families also use their tax refunds to deleverage; average revolving credit card balances are almost 8 percent lower in the month after the tax refund relative to the month before.

发现五: 退税对现金流影响较大的家庭,在退税到来时,会大幅增加支出和储蓄.

For almost half of families receiving tax refunds, the refund exceeds the sum of pre-refund balances in all of their cash accounts. 在这些家庭中, 现金提款, non-追逐 credit card bill payments, 在收到第一笔退税后的一周内,耐用品的购买量增加了两倍多. Among the rest of families, these flows increase more modestly—by less than 50 percent. 我们还发现,那些在购物季中最早申请退税的人,在退税到来时支出和储蓄的增幅最大.

发现六: 平均, 缴纳税款的家庭在税款到期时用已有的现金支付. 一旦付款,消费和储蓄模式就会迅速恢复到之前的稳定状态.

在我们的样本中,支付家庭没有削减支出或增加劳动收入来支付支付. 而不是, 他们在付款前的三周内将现金转入支票账户. Unlike with refund families, 付款家庭的支出和账户余额在付款后很快恢复到原来的稳定状态. 


每年春天, 超过5000亿美元流入和流出家庭的金融账户,因为他们要核对上一年的已缴税款和欠税. 在这份报告中, 我们分析了100万个收到退税或缴纳税款的家庭的日常资金流动和余额, 并发现这些流动对一些人的财务生活有重大影响,但不是所有人. 



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